Sunday, October 17, 2004

11-Year-Old Arrested After Pointing Gun At School Bus

An 11-year-old boy in Marion County, Fla., was arrested Friday after he pointed a toy gun at a Marion County school bus and another passer-by, according to the sheriff's office. A school bus driver said the student was standing on the side of Sunset Harbor Road when he pointed the faux-revolver cap gun at the bus at 6:15 a.m. Other school buses were detoured from the immediate area after the report and several deputies responded. Officers located the boy on a separate bus headed for Nike Academy based on information given by the driver. The boy admitted to having a toy gun and playing with it while waiting for the bus. During the investigation, deputies made contact with a woman who also reported that the boy had pointed a gun at her as she drove by. Hughes was transported to the Juvenile Assessment Center, where he was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and two counts of disruption of a school function.

(Local 6 article here)
